我是烟雨人 ▷

fell blue三天两夜

发表于-2003年11月25日 中午2:18评论-3条

i am awfully fed up .recently i have lost my heart.i am very saddness.most 

of my life and studying are changing.i am at a loss day and night. i become 

more and more unhappy.first of all.i lost my note book as a prize for the 

first place which bought in 15 yuan,i don't mind or worride about the price

and the common exercise,but ,the silly thief let me very angry.the second,

is i runnde into some one who had the same name as mine ,i always like my

name so much ,i conside my name is my honour,now ,however,ai!`~the third , 

is my classmates dislike my ,in their opinion ,i like a pround tiger and 

fox,although i am the best and work hard ,what a shame!this morning i 

fighted wiht my frined,because she is so bad ,her words made me have no 

face,should know ,respect others is equivalent to respect yourself,if 

you are not politely ,you must accept the punish.like above about on.

my friend did not respect me ,so i don't talk with her from then on .

sometime to think ,felt i am very stupid ,not wise,do the thing like on

is waste my expensive time and money ,perhaps,there is no telling that a 

bad habit for my health.don't you think?i must be pleasure quickly ,and say

bye --bye to the bad heart .i am the happiest,who ashamed who!


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真的不知道该怎么说 下次写中文好 吗?我想你写中文更能体现你才华


我就懂一点点呀~~,中国人最好是写中文比较好呢。at:2003年11月25日 晚上7:12


I think your ebglish muchbetter  then me  but I think  I know your mean  
I want to say yourself  isimportent
  【三天两夜 回复】:哈哈。你说对了。,我是最重要的,可是,姐姐,不过。你的英文单词好像错了蛮多的哦,还好我冰雪聪明洞悉这一切,谢你了。 [2003-11-27 18:15:13]
  【蓝鸢尾 回复】:不客气 [2003-11-29 0:19:31]at:2003年11月26日 下午4:46


you are perfect i think you will make it better 
be yourself
  【三天两夜 回复】:thank you.i will try my best do the best , [2003-11-27 18:16:18]
  【上官飞雪 回复】:nothing do not forget be youself [2003-11-28 16:44:44]at:2003年11月26日 下午4:53