我是烟雨人 ▷


发表于-2003年11月17日 下午6:28评论-3条

once ,there was a beautiful shoe hit my head.but ,i didn't see it clearly .only after,lossing it ,i suddently found myself to regret,no pain in the world comes hear this .if god could give me another chance , i must swear by the moon and by the stars ,i will find the shoe out and the host who owner it ,i will say to the host ;"lady or gentleman ,your shoe hit me ,however i didn't angry to it .in practice ,i need you help,i want to know the goods name and the price of the quality.as i like your shoe so much that i have to buy one as same as yours,can you tell me where do you get the magic shoe ?" in any way ,if there had to be a limit of time before it ,i hope it would be the next second,,,,,




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Is this really explian by yourself?at:2003年11月18日 中午2:17


这种无厘头的东东我看不明白,能解释吗?at:2003年11月19日 上午11:49


不管你的本意是 什么,我想到的是没公德心的人随便丢东西就算是夫妻吵架也不至于向窗外扔吧at:2003年12月06日 下午5:49