我是烟雨人 ▷


发表于-2012年05月18日 上午10:57评论-2条


if we apply logic and common sense, it’s almost close to impossible that china has ownership on that part of the sea. i mean it’s way too far from china and it’s very near to the philippines. it’s a shame to see china flexing its muscles on smaller countries like philippines just because there are oil discovery and we know oil is money.. as if china is not rich enough and land territory not big enough.



其实菲国人争黄岩岛的目的正如文中所说“because there are oil discovery and we know oil is money”。确实,中国现在“rich enough”,“land territory big enough”,但是中国富裕是中国人民用劳动创造出来的,中国领土大是我中华祖祖辈辈筚路蓝缕开创出来的,正是因为这样,所以我中华固有领土分毫不能让!我们已经很大度的说男南海油气资源可以和周边邻国共同开发,这已经是对菲国的恩赐了!谁知道这恩赐反而引得他们贪得无厌,居然想要霸占!现在中国不是晚清时期的中国,现在中国政府不是晚清政府。菲国也请注意,你离晚清列强还远着呢!有些主意别打过头了。

i read in the papers that ctrip and some travel agencies have cancelled its tour packages to philippines. in that case, i will never use ctrip again to book any hotel or flights in the future. i am proud to be chinese but we will always be grateful to philippines for all the opportunities and good life our ancestors had here. life won’t be the same if our ancestors chose to stay in china. if you ask me 100 times to choose china or philippines, i’d choose philippines anytime anyday. my blood maybe chinese but my heart is filipino with of course with utmost respect to chinese tradition and culture as this is where we come from. but i cannot simply tolerate bullying or any act of invasion. what is right is right. what is wrong is wrong.


说到菲国给了华人“all the opportunities and good life”,略有历史“常识”的人都知道,当初下南洋的人都是受苦受难的穷人,在那边一般都不受当地人待见的,做的是当地人不愿做的事情,被看成是下等人,几代人熬过来才有了今天华人比较好的生活。这个所谓华侨的菲国人,居然说祖先在那里有好的机会好的生活,真不知道他祖先会不会气的从坟墓里跳出来。连祖宗的苦难都忘记了的东西,居然还有脸说“what is right is right. what is wrong is wrong”。

china stop importation of banana? why not include mango? let china buy sweet bananas and mangoes from other countries. hahaha. chinese is just 4th in the list of tourists coming here in the philippines. for sure it’s a big loss, but okay, let chinese find better beaches outside philippines. maybe they can go to indonesia or thailand but nothing compares to beaches here! not to mention the warm hospitality of filipinos to tourists to make the guests feel at home with a1 service. filipinos are the most helpful and friendliest people (although also corrupt!) in this earth! hehe.


说到旅游,亏得这个菲国人还有脸说。我想我中华同胞大概还没有忘记2010年中国香港旅游团在菲被劫持造成多人死伤事件吧?菲国警察是如何处理该事件的?连警察——一个国家的“形象”都是如此,原来菲国人就是这样的“the most helpful and friendliest people in this earth”?


china refused to bring the issue to international court because they know for sure that they have zero chance of winning. there are international laws and codes to be followed in territorial claims and china is definitely not in the position to win.


you have any news on motorcycle production in china? any new models you are producing? i heard lots of factories have cut down employees to survive the poor sales. how’s your export market? very good? i heard domestic market is very bad in china. what happened? why sudden decline in motorcycle sales in china? what’s next for jobless workers? are there enough jobs now to provide them a living?




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忙碌了一天,打开电脑,来看看朋友们,拜读朋友佳作,问候一声,身心愉快。(:012)(:012)(:012)at:2012年05月18日 晚上7:42


一个小国敢挑战一个大国 人们可能会 讨论这个大国大和强 如何如何的问题……一个小孩敢挑战一个大人 人们可能会嘲笑这大人的没挑战的一些问题……道理就是这样 :谁敢挑战美国?……本 拉 登挑战了美国 本 啦 登土地的 子子孙孙 子子孙孙……都无法还清,美国完全统治本 拉 登的土地和国家上子子孙孙 子子孙孙 而且永远 永恒 是吧这是事实吧中国人 人家的军队 已经去了……人家为什么敢挑战中国?…………at:2012年05月22日 下午6:17